Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Arfaq and Social Media Comeback?

Arfaq worked with Michael Jackson for 15 years.
This is a picture of Michael Jackson (as if I needed  to tell you!)
I’ve been doing some regular twenty-first century snooping and have noticed loads of HRH Arfaq official social media pages cropping up. He’s got the works: Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, FlickrTwitter, Youtube...

Arfaq's MySpace profile made me laugh! How incredibly 2005. But there’s some really cool photos and info on these pages. The YouTube and Vimeo channels made me wonder if Arfaq is perhaps going into film at some point. And I particularly loved that amazing portrait photo of Michael Jackson on the Tumblr link, the one with him in the sequined jacket (I think that’s the one Arfaq designed for him, so stunning). Something about his pose, with his hand raise as if he's in conversation, makes you think about what it must have been like to physically be in the same space as Michael Actual Real Jackson or know or work with him, as Arfaq did for quite a few years.

Anyway, hopefully this all means the famously elusive HRH Arfaq is gearing up for some kind of comeback – it’s been so long since he has been actively working in the public eye, at least to my knowledge, though I’m sure he has various projects simmering away. 

By the way, for your info, I'll leave you with the links to my other Unofficial HRH Arfaq Blogs, for your delight :-):